Learn to resolve feelings of self-doubt
and the sense of being a fraud
Learn to resolve feelings of self-doubt and the sense of being a fraud
Many of us rationally know we are good at what we do, but emotionally still feel like a fraud. We constantly fear we will be found out and exposed as the impostors that we are.
We do understand how other people see us. They might even give us praise and good feedback for our work. But this doesn't really help, because they don't know how insecure and incompetent we really feel and how much we had to work in order to get the job done.
Even when we succeed, we don't see it as proof that we are competent or talented. Instead, we attribute our success to luck, hard work, being at the right place at the right time, etc.
In psychology this is known as Impostor Syndrome or Impostor Phenomenon.
Even though this is often referred to as a "syndrome", it is not a clinical diagnosis. In fact, when we experience symptoms of Impostor Syndrome, it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with us. We are reacting in a healthy way to our situation. The only trouble is, we have not yet learned how to relate to these emotions in a constructive way.
To resolve these emotions, we need to understand them
The emotions related to Impostor Syndrome are not at all random. There is a good reason why we feel how we feel, and understanding these emotions makes a big difference.
When we understand why we are experiencing self-doubt and a fear of being exposed as a fraud, these fears and doubts either lessen or even completely resolve.
Generic advice on how to cope with Impostor Syndrome is usually not enough. For these emotions to resolve, you need to find out what exactly is making you react the way you do.
Finding out these subconscious beliefs and triggers can seem difficult. And, if we try to do it on our own, it really is quite a challenge. This is because for most everybody, these beliefs are in a blind spot. We simply can not see them without some help and support.
With proper guidance, the process of noticing these beliefs becomes simple and very gentle.
I have helped countless people to uncover hidden beliefs and resolve difficult emotions just like the ones that are driving the Impostor Syndrome. If you suspect you might be suffering from the effects of Impostor Syndrome, I highly recommend giving this approach a try.
Try a private coaching session
The work happens on private coaching sessions via Zoom. The price is 75 € for a one-hour session (about $82 USD). Most people notice a shift happen already during the very first session. Then, for these changes to stick, people usually need from 3 to 5 sessions.
The first step is for you to book a completely free 15-minute Zoom call with me and we can see if this process might be as helpful for you as it has been for many others.
Let's start resolving your self-doubt
and finding your confidence:
After filling out the form, I will contact you right away to schedule a time for your 15-minute free call
During the call, I will explain in more detail how the process works and you can see if it resonates with you.
I hope to see you soon!
P.S. With this process you can feel confident and stop feeling like a fraud in just a few weeks, without having to become any better at your profession. From then on, you no longer have to worry about being exposed as an impostor. There is simply no need to pretend or convince anyone of anything, because you already know and feel how talented and valuable you are.
Simply fill in the form above and schedule your free Zoom call. After the call you can decide if Impostor Syndrome is something you recognize in yourself and if this is something you would like to get fixed.
See what my customers have to say:
Hi, my name is Juuso Voltti.
I didn't intend to become a coach helping people struggling with Impostor Syndrome.
I started off as a music composer. Having worked as a composer for several decades, I am no stranger to the effects of Impostor Syndrome myself.
My impostor feelings made it very difficult for me to get anything done. And when I did manage to start a project, I had a constant fear of not being good enough.
My career was a never-ending struggle, because I was unknowingly fighting a battle against a subconscious part inside of me.
This subconscious part had a good intention. It was doing the best it could to keep me safe. Unfortunately for me and my career, it did this by sabotaging everything I wanted to accomplish as a composer.
One of the ways it did this was by doing a number on my self-esteem. It got me convinced that, despite having a degree in music composition and a successful career, I was actually a fraud. In order to avoid being found out, every project had to be perfect.
As long as this push-pull dynamic was operating in the background, I had to constantly push myself to work outside my comfort-zone. This lead to anxiety and eventually burnout, which is quite common among people struggling with Impostor Syndrome.
The turning point for me was when I was shown how to relate to my emotions in a new way.
I came across people who helped me to experience more self-compassion.
Self-compassion was really the key, and I don't believe I could have ever learned it on my own.
Self-compassion allowed me to stop fighting these subconscious parts and instead, I was able to listen to them and the associated emotions. Gradually, the feelings subsided and my nervous system calmed down. As the feelings were heard, all those subconscious parts started to feel safe. When they felt safe, they also stopped sabotaging my career.
It works like this... First these subconscious parts feel unsafe. In order to protect us, they create emotions. If these emotions are dismissed, the subconscious parts feel even more unsafe and start sabotaging our efforts.
When you approach these emotions with self-compassion, the whole dynamic changes. The emotions are get heard and they get resolved. As a result the subconscious parts can also relax and no longer need to demand our attention.
Learning self-compassion had such a profound effect on my own life, I started to share it with others. I started calling this approach Effortless Self-Compassion and doing one-on-one sessions where I showed people how to access their own self-compassion.
Then, one day, I had a client who was struggling with Impostor Syndrome. I had come full circle. I now got to see if Effortless Self-Compassion was as helpful to others with Impostor Syndrome as it had been for me.
It was. While Effortless Self-Compassion can help in almost any difficult life situation, Impostor Syndrome is where it really shines.
The approach I am now sharing as a coach is exactly what I needed myself to resolve the subconscious feelings and beliefs that were driving my Impostor Syndrome.
My approach is not to try and work against the impostor feelings. I find it much more effective (and also much easier) to focus on what is creating these feelings in the first place. In order for those subconscious feelings and beliefs to come to the surface, the exploration has to be done from a place of curiosity and self-compassion. This can be difficult to do on our own.
While nobody else can know what your specific emotions and beliefs are, luckily this is not a problem. When it comes to your own experience, you are the expert. You simply need someone to help you tune into that experience in a gentle way. This is how you get to find out what exactly is driving your particular type of Impostor Syndrome.
I am happy to help you with that exploration.
Your journey to resolving your
impostor feelings starts here:
After filling out the form, I will contact you right away to schedule a time for your 15-minute free call
There is no pressure and I will not be presenting a sales pitch. This call is simply a chance for you to hear in more detail what is available and ask any questions you might have about the process.